Bazaar-Naan (بازارنان)


Watch the video tutorial here.

Uyghur bread, Naan, also spelled as Nan, Naan, Nah, Nae, Nunn or Nane, is the ultimate important daily food in Uyghur people's lives, and it’s one of the most famous street foods as well. Traditionally we make Naan in the "Tannour", "Tandoor" or "Tannur" which is a big outside clay oven and heated by wood.

Naan reflects the lifestyle of Uyghur people. Each one is simple but it’s full of love and flavour. That’s why if you ever eat Uyghur handmade Naan, especially a freshly made warm one from the Tonur, you'll never forget the aroma and the taste of it.

😋Yields: 5 pieces
🕙Time: 45 min. 

Uyghur food freshly homemade sesame naan bread

white sasemy 2-3 tsp (don't put it in the dough)
white onion 1/2 (don't put it in the dough)


white flour 400gr
yogurt 280gr
baking soda about 3gr
yeast about 4gr
a pinch of salt


  1. Add the flour, yogurt, baking soda, salt and yeast to a mixing bowl. knead them to make the dough. If the dough is too sticky, you could add more flour. (I made a blogpost about How to Make Dough) Cover with a damp towel or plastic wrap and set it in room temperature for 10 min.

  2. To prepare the topping: Press the finely chopped onion to make it juicy, plate it on a flat plate, diameter of 25cm. (we will use this in a second) Now heat the skillet over medium heat and grill the white sesame. They are done when brown. Add them to the onion on the plate, then add just enough water to make a moist topping and mix the sesame and onion. Spread the topping flat and even on the plate, so when you dip the top of the naan dough later, it sticks evenly to the naan.

  3. Preheat the oven at 200 degrees for 5 min. (Leave the oven tray in the oven, preheat it too.)

Uyghur food homemade sesame naan dough balls
Uyghur food homemade sesame naan dough balls

4. When the dough is rested, divide it into 5 pieces. (this depending of the size of your oven, my oven is not too big, so I divided it into 5 pieces, you could made 3 bigger one’s of course)

5. Roll them into balls. (see picture above, left)

6. Press the dough to make it flat, About 3 cm thick. Press the middle 2-3cm from the side to make the middle thinner than the edges. Leave the edges round and thicker than the middle and stretch it to make a bigger naan. Make the desired thickness.

7. Use an Uyghur naan stamp, چەككۈچ Check-kush for on the middle of naan to make a beautiful signature pattern. (If you don't have a Check-kush, you can make one for yourself:  use a bunch of toothpick’s and tie them together.This you can use as a stamp )

8. Apply the moist topping on the stamp side of the naan (the top).

9. Bake them in the preheated oven at 200 degrees for 11-15 min. Bake them light/golden brown.

10. When the nice smelling naan are ready, coat the top of the naan with a light layer of oil as desire.

11. Serve: best if enjoyed immediately because they are still warm. Serve it with tea, Melk Tea, Soup, stew or nuts, etc.

Use a mixing bowl, it helps to combine the ingredients more easily.

* Often we eat this type of naan with soups, stews, milk tea and normal tea. We dip the naan in the liquid, while eating.

warm naan bread stacked in a pile
holding a piece of warm naan bread and dip it in milk tea
holding a piece of warm naan bread and dip it in milk tea
a plate of walnuts, almonds and raisins next to naan bread
warm naan bread stacked in a pile


Share your thoughts, notes in the Comments below or (hash)tag @dolanchickaliya #dolanchickaliya on Instagram so we can enjoy all the deliciousness!

Aliya :)